Bordűr Museum

Bordűr Museum

In addition to quality hotel services, the renovation of the Békésszentandrás weaving mill's castle-like building has created a year-round interactive thematic museum and community space, including a local history museum, an industrial history museum and contemporary art exhibition spaces. It is important to note that there is no other museum or exhibition space in the Southern Great Plain region or in the country that offers accommodation and wellness services!

The museum demonstrates in several steps how wool is turned into carpets, with interactive games optimised for all ages at several points.


  • Introduction to hemp varieties
  • Introduction to the different types of wool
  • Yarn making - interactive part, you can try and make a yarn to take home
  • Designing - interactive part, (touch screen digital design table where you can copy and paste images from your phone) the pattern you design here will be woven by the machine at the end
  • What patterns can be designed?
  • How does the complexity of the design, colours, patterns, constraints, options affect the creation of the design Presentation of the stored carpet designs live and electronically, catalogue style
  • Carpet making (history, technologies)
  • Carpet types (Persian, Torontal, etc.)
  • Demonstration of carpet weaving machines – interactive part (VR glasses, virtual carpet weaving), you can make your own mini carpet from previous designs or even from a mobile portrait
  • Presentation of old, surviving or famous carpets

The primary aim of the creation of the Békésszentandrás Carpet History Museum and the new hotel was to create a cultural and community space that would preserve and cherish this unique monument of national importance, unique in the history of 20th century Hungarian craftsmanship. The carpets made here can still be found in the halls of the Hungarian State Opera House, the Hungarian Parliament and the chapel of Windsor Castle.


A brief history of the town, linking the weaving mill and the arts. It takes you through the history of the town, highlighting the local importance of the weaving mill, to the artists who came from here. The works of local artists will be displayed in a permanent thematic exhibition, but will also be part of the hotel's identity. Sculptures in the garden, copies of prints and paintings on the walls of the rooms, on the menu, in the names of the rooms and even the dishes. Recognising and finding art objects is also part of the game in the mobile app.


Temporary exhibitions are specifically designed to provide a fresh experience and a cultural experience for returning guests who have already seen the permanent exhibitions. They are therefore not necessarily linked to the region, either thematically or locally, but we would of course like to give priority to giving local young artists the opportunity to showcase their work. Or, in liaison with national organisations, we bring art exhibitions from all over the country.


The items on display in the exhibition – documents, photographs, tools and various memorabilia closely linked to the history of the weaving mill – have been collected mainly thanks to those who felt it was important to preserve these extraordinary documents for decades. Donations were received not only from former employees but also from descendants of the families that founded the factory, including from America and Australia, while other curiosities were found at antique paper auctions and second-hand markets. We are constantly looking to add to the collection, and you can help! You may not realise how much an old photograph of the building or its former staff can mean to you. If you have any memorabilia that is closely related to the history of the weaving mill and would like to see it in the exhibition, please contact us on one of our contact details.